Chiswick Cycling Club -

Contact Chiswick Cycling Club

Please email: Chiswick Cycling Club

Social Media

WhatsApp - CCC has a 'group' dedicated to our club chat

Used for ad hoc communications and a basic chat that we all share. This is dedicated to mobile phones and if you don't have a smart phone it is not available.

Great for organising a ride or a visit to the pub which has not been planned - also for immediate help and support from CCC fellow members.

Strava - CCC is registered as a 'Club' on Strava

Anyone who records their rides on a Garmin or on their smart phone can share their ride info with other CCC members and compare the metrics that get recorded.

Great for seeing what everyone is up to and getting an idea how fast you are going to have to ride to keep up with another member.

Facebook - CCC has a 'closed group'

Somewhere good for sharing pictures taken on rides.